Location, Earth

Kategorie: Histroy


XPRIZE Foundation Announces $1 Million Moonshot Award

The first privately-funded spacecraft from former XPRIZE team, SpaceIL to reach the Moon is in lunar orbit right now and is projected to land this Thursday, April 11, marking the beginning of a new era in space exploration. In 2011, SpaceIL began to build its Beresheet spacecraft as its entry into the Google Lunar XPRIZE…

IAU100 Launches Global Event for the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the First Moon Landing

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of an important milestone in space exploration and humankind – the 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing – IAU100 has set up a dedicated website to coordinate global events and large moon observation activities, including the launch of a telescope competition. On 20 July 1969, a historical milestone took place: Neil…

1969: First Moon Landing Forever Stamps

U.S. Postal Service unveils 50th anniversary of moonlanding stamps. In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing on July 20, 1969, the U.S. Postal Service is pleased to reveal two stamp designs commemorating that historic milestone. Additional details are coming about the date, time and location for the first-day-of issue ceremony. One…

MRC – The Moon Race Competion is on again

The Moon Race Competion (MRC) is a international competition pioneering sustainable lunar exploration, to support technology demonstrations up to the lunar surface. Giving opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship in space business. Space and non-space partners are invited to join the movement.. Applications to open early 2019: https://www.themoonrace.org/ Around 50 years after Neil Armstrong first set foot…

The next important Step: Falcon Heavy erfolgreich getestet – mit TESLA an Bord ;-)

SpaceX hat mit dem Jungfernflug der Falcon Heavy jetzt die stärkste Rakete der Welt am Start. Die „Nutzlast“ war ein Tesla-Roadster an Bord und lieferte Bilder für die Geschichtsbücher. Genialer PR-Coup und technische Meisterleistung – Gratulation! “You want to wake up in the morning and think the future is going to be great – and that’s what…

SPACE 2018: Das aktuelle Raumfahrtjahr mit Chronik 2017

Das Raumfahrtjahrbuch SPACE 2018 mit allen Starts und Missionen, dazu ein Leitartikel über Space Servicing und Debris Removal. Weitere Artikel beschäftigen sich mit Google Lunar X Prize kurz vor Blamage, Chinas Raumfahrt, SPACEX und Blue Origin, der Astronautin, Trappist sowie der Nano-Satelliten-Mission zu Proxima-Centauri, u.v.m. Für die Science-Fiction-Freunde gibt es eine erfreuliche Nachricht: Der Science-Fiction Wettbewerb des…

Artistic Furniture: APOLLO 11 Table

Apollo 11 was the famous mission for the American Apollo space programme during which, on 20 July 1969 and for the first time in history, man set foot on the Moon. It was the third manned mission to the Moon, after Apollo 8 and Apollo 10, and was the fifth manned mission of the Apollo…

Making Humans a Multi-Planetary Species

Die Geschichte wird sich in zwei grundlegende Richtungen verzweigen. Ein Weg ist, dass wir für immer auf der Erde bleiben und dann wird es irgendwann ein Aussterben der Menschheit geben. Die Alternative wäre, eine multiplanetare Zivilisation zu werden und noch weitere Planeten, Sonnensysteme, fremde Galaxien zu besiedeln, um diesem Szenario auszuweichen.  Wie können wir also…

NASA Image and Video Library – now open for public

The first manned lunar landing mission, Apollo 11, launched from the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida via the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) developed Saturn V launch vehicle on July 16, 1969 and safely returned to Earth on July 24, 1969. Aboard the space craft were astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, commander; Michael Collins, Command…

Treknology by Ethan Siegel – The Science of Star Trek from Tricorders to Warp Drive

The name Star Trek conjures images of faster-than-light spacecraft, holographic crewmembers, and phasers set to stun. Some of these incredible devices may still be far from our reach, but others have made the leap from science fiction to science fact—and now you can learn the science and engineering of what makes them tick. Treknology looks…